Thursday, March 15, 2012

Even the gas industry truck drivers are nervous about accidents...

The following news article from the Towanda Daily Review demonstrates that not only your average Bradford County motorist is nervous with all the truck traffic, but also the truck drivers.  I'm glad to see that an organization that represents the truck drivers is attempting to limit the amount of truck accidents, collisions and fatalities in our area due to the ever increasing gas industry related truck traffic.

CANTON - A Pennsylvania and New York truck drivers' group concerned about the safety of their current route on Route 14 is asking for assistance from area municipalities.  This week, Canton Borough Council briefly discussed the request from the Professional CDL Drivers of Pennsylvania & New York. A letter dated Feb. 15 was forwarded to the borough from the group. It was not signed by a person. Only the group's name and an email address was provided at the bottom of the letter. 
In the correspondence, the drivers expressed concern about the curves, hills, and lack of shoulders along many sections of Route 14 between Elmira, N.Y. and Trout Run. "I am sure that you are just as aware of the safety record of this stretch of road as we are, with the dozens of accidents, multiple fatalities, with all types of vehicles involved," the group stated in the letter. The drivers claimed they "battled" with their companies to change the route with no success. They said the route saves eight miles.  But the drivers said the "vast improvements" to U.S. Highway 15 have made 15 "a much safer option." 
In the letter, the drivers said they understand that all truck traffic cannot be completely eliminated along Route 14, but said they felt all "Thru Truck Traffic" should be restricted. "In reality, it would only take one town to restrict thru truck traffic to make a difference, but better yet, we would love to see all the towns join together and restrict thru truck traffic, to make a difference and take a stand on traffic safety." 
Council didn't take action on the request, however.

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